Write for Us

Content Guidelines:

  • Your post should be original, engaging, and relevant to the theme of Pleasurehunt.in.
  • Aim for a word count between 800-1500 words.
  • Include imagesvideos, or relevant media to enhance your post.

Topics We Love:

  • Celebrity Profiles and Insights
  • Movie, Music, and TV Show Reviews
  • Behind-the-scenes stories and Experiences
  • Trends and Influences in the Entertainment Industry.
  • Web Series Reviews

3. Submission Process:

  • Send your post as a Word document or Google Doc to info@pleasurehunt.in.
  • Include a brief author bio and a high-resolution photo.

4. Editing Process:

  • Our editorial team may make minor edits for clarity and SEO optimization.
  • We’ll notify you of any significant changes before publishing.

5. Promotion:

  • We’ll promote your guest post across our social media channels, giving you exposure to our growing audience.

Ready to Contribute?

We’re excited to read your unique perspective on the stars! To contribute, simply email your submission to info@pleasurehunt.in. with the subject line “Guest Post Submission.”

Thank you for considering Pleasure Hunt as your platform for sharing your passion for celebrities and entertainment. We look forward to featuring your contribution on our site!

For further questions related to guest posts, feel free to contact us at info@pleasurehunt.in